Bridging Achievement and Opportunity Gaps

Bridging Achievement and Opportunity Gaps

Our mission is to close the divide in Achievement and Opportunity outcomes by harnessing local, state, national, and international resources. We achieve this by offering exceptional programs and services tailored to bolster the capabilities of organizations, groups, and individuals, writing and receiving local, state, and national resources, and partnering with likeminded and supportive individuals and groups. Our approach encompasses meticulous research, innovative design, and proactive information sharing, fostering a collaborative network of dedicated professionals and aspiring changemakers.
Many studies have demonstrated that school children who are in need of essential health care and lack access to adequate health education are destined to poor academic performance and achievement. The US Department of Health and Human Services through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and its Division of Adolescent and School Health coordinates efforts to build an effective and efficient model for Comprehensive School Health Education programs. Similarly, National, Regional, State and local Education and Health agencies have manipulated this model to address and meet the pressing health care, health education, and community health needs for children and adolescents under their charge. 

One strength of the ACES Network is our expertise in using evidence-based and measurable programmatic frameworks established by these agencies to build out the capacity of our Scholar-Practitioner-Leaders to respond to the needs of our schools and communities. 

The remaining sections present a cursory examination of the philosophy, strategic planning, program implementation, program evaluation, and integration of our coordinated efforts to achieve the overarching goal of providing viable, effective, and efficient programs and services for children, youth, parents, schools, communities, and municipalities.

Our systematic approach is focused on building capacity by doing the following:

1. Educating students for the world of tomorrow is our top priority.

2. Partnering with Parent and Community groups to mobilize entire communities. We challenge each group to teach and inspire our students.

3. Providing resources to serve each of our students, expecting excellence from all involved.

4. Supporting the delivery of exciting education in safe and culturally sensitive learning environment that celebrates our diversity and similarities in a spirit of unity and respect.

5. Supporting district and learning community leaders focused on the welfare and development of each child by:

a. Building and supporting high quality instructional leadership and capacity.

b. Supporting learning communities and professional development.

c. Supporting student development and training, including post-secondary training and education, and vocational and technical careers.

d. Supporting the use of schools as centers of communities in partnerships with parents, families, and caregivers.

e. Strengthening existing school and community programs and partnerships.

f. Supporting accountability and equitable resource allocation to support school improvement.

g. Supporting other need-based improvements.

It is imperative that each office, division, department, individual staff member and community stakeholder understand their place within the organizational matrix and their impact on the achievement or failure to m

ACES-N is uniquely positioned to lead efforts to Educational Goals attainment. We have received and directed the distribution and implementation of multimillion dollar grants from the CDC, State, and local municipalities, directed major professional and leadership development for International, National, State, and Local nonprofits, Colleges and Universities, Secondary Schools, and For-Profit entities. We support these agencies by building instructional capacity in health and health-related areas for students, teachers, administrators, and community based educational and health agencies.

Our Scholar-Practitioners-Leaders provide high quality technical assistance, professional and staff development, training, and support through webinars, seminars, conferences, support programs, executive coaching, and other leadership presentations.

Please visit our Programs and Services page. Each interactive, intensive, and engaging program and service helps ACES-N to sustain partnerships and linkages to maximize the human and material resources available, to reduce the threat of health and health-related concerns for our students and community stakeholders, and to sustain Achievement and Opportunity outcomes.

The key components of our coordinated efforts as outlined by the CDC and other health agencies include:

1. Health Education

2. Physical Education

3. Health Services

4. Nutrition Services

5. Counseling, Psychological, Mental Health , and Social Services

6. Safe & Healthful School Environment

7. Parents, Caregivers, & Community Partnerships

8. Health Promotion for Staff

The primary goal is to provide the most basic care, promotion, and intervention and prevention education, and psychosocial services for children and communities in one feeder pattern – from elementary to middle to high school – in our public school system. We help communities create sustainable programs in their schools and youth development activities, assist with securing financial resources, space allocation, and resources for training staff, volunteers, instructional leaders, and other community stakeholders, while ensuring that skilled and dedicated professionals are administering the programs and services and tracking the needs and service delivery to students and participants.

ACES-N also works to increase the awareness of the need for programs and services and generate support of our Internal customers (students, faculty, staff, administrators, and community members) and external customers (other educational agencies, non-participatory community members, etc.) while seeking the support for a strong program from elected and appointed officials, state and federal agencies. Collaboration is an imperative!

Another goal for ACES-N is support for infrastructure that strengthens the capacity of schools, communities, and educational agencies as they plan, implement, evaluate, and create coordinated school and community efforts that will have the greatest impact on the children and adolescents within their system.

Many ask, how do we begin to assess the need and landscape and design programs and services that meet or exceed these needs. At ACES-N, we recognize the importance and necessity for this and other questions... Check out our in order to provide operational and sustainable solutions.  

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